grinnin' like a mule eatin' briars

>> Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Meaning: having a big, devilish grin; grinning from ear to ear displaying all teeth...or in many country folks' case, displaying lack of teeth

Man, I tell ya what...Dalton thinks he done got away with stealin' my Mountain Dew out the freelge. Look at him sittin' ova thar grinnin' like a mule eatin' briars. But I got somethin' for him. He ain't gon' be grinnin' for long, and that's a fact. 



Anonymous,  March 5, 2013 at 6:00 PM  

Dalton's grinnin' like a mule eatin' briar, but little does he know that his sweet thang just ran away with the little midget man who bags groceries down at the local Food Lion. I'll tell you what, "that little man is taller when he lays on his back than when he's standin' on his feet".

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