you eat what food eats

>> Monday, April 29, 2013

Meaning: phrase said by countryafied males to ridicule a man who orders a salad for a meal at a restaurant; the phrase suggests that those speaking are more manly because they are higher up on the food chain because the animal that their food (steak, ribs, etc.) comes from eats the food that the individual being ridiculed is eating

Are you serious, Terry? What kind of man goes to a steakhouse and orders a dern salad? I swear, you eat what food eats.


Anonymous,  April 29, 2013 at 3:33 PM  

Womanfolk like manly men, that's why I always eat BBQ! No sweet thang wants a man who eats only salad. They want muscles on a man's bones not some flabby skin hanging down toward the floor.

Anonymous,  April 29, 2013 at 3:37 PM  

If I eat salad in front of my Nicole, I get no lovin'!
She likes her man to look like twisted steel and sex appeal, not some Richard Simmons want to be.

My daddy, Jimmy James, taught me a long time ago "to act like a man and to eat like one too".

CountryTawk staff April 30, 2013 at 11:11 AM  

It's gonna be a sad day if/when Trace Adkins gets fired from Celebrity Apprentice All Stars. He's provided lots of good material for us, including this post.

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