I will smack you down like you's a bloodhound

>> Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Meaning: a threat to inflict physical harm; thought the be derived from the phrase "I will shoot you down like dog"

You'll quit runnin' that mowrth of yers if you know what's best for ya. Boy, I will smack you down like you's a bloodhound.


Anonymous,  May 1, 2013 at 5:23 PM  

Clyde and Ray Ray only get mad like that when they get insulted about their hair, stash, country cowboy hat, their awesome shades, the way they sing, dance, talk, smell, eat, anything derogatory about their lady folks or children, work as cowboys, cows, their corn they hoed, sports teams they support, their religion and shampoo and conditioner they use on their hair and stash. Other than these aforementioned items they's happy guys who will "belt out a song and dance anytime and anyplace".

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